7 Hidden benefits of Carrot for your body - Carrot is one of the vegetables that are familiar to everyone all over the world. From its shape which extends as well as the colour is mostly orange or pink make carrots one vegetables are easy to spot. Most of us also definitely know that the vegetables are excellent for maintaining healthy organs. So, eat a carrot directly or made of juice and vegetables is highly recommended. However, it turns out that's not just manafaat carrot for your body. There are so many hidden benefits contained in a carrot. Then, what are the hidden benefits of carrots for the health of the body ...???
Friends, health tips. Carrot is one of the vegetables that have a wide range of nutrients and vitamins that are needed by all the organs of your body. Based on the facts that have been revealed, the carrot is a source of vitamin A. Vitamin A in carrot is very good for keeping your body's health and mempertahankah. Health tips will reveal the various benefits of these with detailed orange vegetables. The following 7 hidden benefits of carrots for the health of your body:
Better Vision. The source will be in the carrot in betakaroten change by liver organ became a source of vitamin a. it is not surprising, if someone regularly consume carrots in his daily menu, then matapun organ will awake his health all the time.
Anti Cancer Vegetables. Carrots became one of the vegetables that are very effective to ward off various types of cancer which is very deadly as breast cancer, lung and colon. This is because the presence of deposits of falcarinol as well as anticancer falcarindiol which are in a carrot.
A Healthier Heart. Alpha carotene content of betakaroten, as well as lutein makes carrots in need by the organ of the heart. This is because the. various content of the substance will make you avoid viewing from various disorders or heart attacks.
The more teeth healthy and strong. The carrot was instrumental in helping remove plaque and food scraps that can damage your teeth and gums. This is because, the carrots have a certain mineral content can prevent tooth decay over time.
A Powerful Deterrent Stroke. Routinely consume vegetable orange or carrots can reduce and prevent disease stroke that could threaten the safety of lives within an instant.
Appear More Youthful. A very high content of betakaroten in a carrot can slow aging cells. So make someone look more youthful even though age continues to grow.
The Cleaning Of Toxins In The Body. The content of Vitamin A in carrots can cleanse the colon and organs of bile and fats in the liver organ you naturally and effectively.
Nutrient content of carrot and regular drinking carrot juice Benefits for health Drinking carrot juice is one of the easiest ways to get a wide range of minerals and vitamins are important in great numbers. This of course will be very conducive to our overall body health. Nutrient content of carrot:
1. Calories: one serving of carrot juice (one cup) contains about 80 calories. For those of you who need the intake of 2000 calories per day, then a cup of carrot juice already meets about 4 percent of the total daily calorie intake you. When compared to other juice options in the same amount, orange juice provide 113 calories, while the tomato juice contains 50 calories.
2. Vitamins and minerals: every cup of carrot juice contains many vitamins and minerals that are desperately needed by our bodies every day. Vitamin A: If you drink a cup of carrot juice, then you already meet about 340 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin A is recommended. Carrots are very high in this vitamin. Potassium: potassium is an electrolyte which is also very important you need. With drinking a cup of carrot juice, it means you've got 18 percent of the recommended daily requirement of iron: 1 cup carrot juice provides about 1, 1mg iron. This means you've meet about 14% of the daily requirement of iron are recommended. Vitamin C: 100 g carrot juice contains vitamin C as 3 milligrams, which is very important for the immune system. Vitamin E: you will also get a 0.3 milligrams of vitamin E from 100 g of carrot juice, which is necessary for the formation of body hormones and maintaining healthy cells stubuh. B vitamins: carrot juice is also the source of some of the vitamin B complex. 100 g of fresh carrot juice provides 0.01 milligrams of vitamin B1, which is indispensable for maintaining the body's nervous system and the brain to function properly. While it also contains 0.02 milligrams of vitamin B2, which required the body to maintain eye health and metabolism.
Read more at carakhasiatmanfaat.com: the benefits of drinking carrot juice for health
Benefits of carrot juice: 1. Stimulating the appetite and improve Digestion function: If you consume juice carrots approx. 20 minutes before eating, then it will help stimulate the secretion of digestive juices by the body. Thus, your appetite will increase. Carrots also provide soluble fiber, which are very helpful to the digestive organs to work smoothly. Thus, you will be a lot of problems such as constipation, indigestion, flatulence, etc. 2. Improve Vision: everyone would already know also, if eating a carrot that's very good for eyesight. This is because carrots contain beta-carotene and lutein, i.e. compounds that also found concentrated in the retina. This compound is useful to protect eyesight, especially at night. Our hearts change beta-carotene into vitamin A, and then it goes into the retina and into rhodopsin (a substance that is required for a healthy night vision). 3. Prevent Cancer: carrot juice contains antioxidants types of carotenoids, which have been associated with decreased risk of postmenopausal breast cancer by up to 20%. Some studies have also found that the benefits of carrot juice can lower the 50% risk of the occurrence of some diseases, including: cancer of the colon, prostate, cervix and bladder. Other studies showed similar results by lung cancer. The researchers believe that this effect is caused by deposits of xanthophylls, gamma-carotene, lutein, likopen, and alpha-carotene in carrots.
Read more at carakhasiatmanfaat.com: the benefits of drinking carrot juice for health
4. Regulate the blood sugar: researchers believe that carrots can also help regulate your blood sugar levels. This is mainly because of the high content of carotenoids in carrots, which was inversely proportional is associated with high blood sugar levels. 5. Healthy lungs: carrot juice is excellent to promote lung health. This includes protecting our respiratory system from the risk of infection, as well as helping to fight the bad side effects associated with air pollution mer * kok. This is because the carrot juice is rich in vitamin A, which can also help reduce the risk of emphysema – that is one of the greatest risks for per * kok. 6. Is beneficial to skin health: If you lack vitamin A, then you are likely to experience breakage and dryness of the hair, nails and skin. Because it has a high vitamin A content, carrot juice also helps to overcome the conditions of psoriasis and other skin problems. Read also: benefits of carrots for beauty, skin and hair. Enrich Lactation
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